The Wales weekend is a 3-day residential training weekend based in
Llandrindod Wells. Day 1 consists of meeting with your Observer for an extended OR on the ride up. Traditionally, most people meet at either
Cobham Services, M25 or
Chieveley Services, M4, then take a variety of routes up through the Cotswolds to Wales. Your Observer will contact you to arrange the meeting point. The ride up to Wales usually takes 6-8 hours, so prepare yourself for a long day in the saddle.
Day 2 consists of enjoying a Group ride on the thrilling roads of Wales. There are usually 4-5 different rides available, ranging from relaxing bimbles to more progressive rides, which are announced during the evening meal. Some rides may only be open to full members, so please choose your rides carefully.
Day 3 is a freestyle day. Traditionally, there are no OR's and you buddy-up to arrange a group ride home. Observers and Members will usually lead groups back, so you'll have lots of options to choose from. You may be able to persuade an Observer to give you an OR on the way home. However, this usually involves buying him or her several drinks in the bar the night before and promising unlimited coffee and cake on the trip back.